For Parents

Mindful Parenting. What is that?!

Zen? Never getting angry? Never saying NO?

Hardly seems practical, does it?

Mindful Parenting is parenting with presence and awareness. Huh?


Presence involves interacting with your child in a way that your child can “feel” that you’re paying attention; that you care about what he or she is feeling; and that you are clear, firm, and consistent.

Children have built in radars for knowing when their parent is “somewhere else,” and they’ll do whatever it takes to get you back again. You can NOT fake presence.

I’ll help you develop your capacity for staying “with” your child. Believe me: maintaining presence is far less exhausting than dealing with behaviors that manifest when your child, needing you, acts out.


There is a manual for parenting. What????

Yes. It’s one line: Parent, Know Thyself!

Self-awareness as a parent is the most important task of being a parent. Why?

Because what you do not realize about your self WILL COME OUT in your parenting.

That doesn’t mean you need to have perfect self-awareness and be a perfect parent. Neither you nor your child is a machine.

It means that – if there are any parts of yourself that you are blind to – and how would you know they are there since you’re blind to them – these things will unconsciously influence how you behave in life, including how you behave as a parent.

Ever felt triggered by your child?

That’s it – your child could be hitting the hot button of something you’re blind to in yourself!

Thank you, little child! 😊

Release those triggers

I work with you, the parent, to help your child cope and flourish, because you are still the leader and VIP in your child’s (pre-adolescent) life.

The changes you make will have a big impact for your child.

Contact me at (215) 880-7015, and let’s start developing your presence and awareness now!