For Youth

Where did your little one go?

What happened to the little child you knew who was so sweet and funny and curious? You wonder, when did things begin to change? What did you miss?

You thought your child knew he or she could always talk to you about anything, but you can hardly even get a decent hello these days.

Rest assured – you’re not supposed to know everything about your teenage “child.”

It’s normal.

Adolescence is your child’s natural time of separation and exploration outside the family circle.

It’s a time when teens stretch into their own ideas of who they are and what power they have in the world.

It is an excellent time for youth to enter therapy to have an objective, adult “sounding board” to help them navigate the rapids of adolescence into young adulthood.

Caution: Rapids ahead

Your adolescent may be struggling with moods – depression, anxiety, anger, suicidal ideation, cutting, drugs, alcohol.

Or identity – sexual orientation, gender identity.

Or the increased demands at school – social anxiety, grades, perfectionism, focusing.

I empower youth with insight and strategies that will put them in good stead for the rest of their lives.

Reducing Resistance

Your teen child may naturally resist you as their parent. So, they may also resist your suggestion that “going to speak to someone” (i.e., a therapist) is a good idea.

That’s okay; here’s how I can help.

I’m not your typical therapist! We don’t need to sit in an office staring at each other while I try to pry them open with questions.

We can meet at the farm. We can walk and talk. We can focus on the horses, the land, the chickens.

In the office, Ava dog is a delightful distraction. She breaks the ice, so to speak. In the office, we can sit on the floor with Ava. We can draw, paint, sew, build, meditate.

All friendly, non-confrontational ways of getting to know your child and allowing them to get to know me.

Offer your child the suggestion that if they try just one session with me to see what they think, then they get to decide with me whether or not they would like to return the next week.

Curiosity usually wins! 😊

Contact me now at (215) 880-7015 – let’s equip your child for the future of his or her dreams!