
Cognitive Therapy

Your mind is powerful.

What you believe to be true (logical, factual) about yourself and your life literally shapes your experience in every moment of every day. (The science behind this is fascinating, but I’ll spare you the details for now.)

What are your self-held beliefs?
How did you arrive at such convictions?
How do these thoughts serve or dis-serve you?

Together, we’ll examine these questions, and you’ll come to the liberating realization that you are not WHAT YOU THINK (even though your amazingly powerful thinking brain works hard to convince you otherwise).

You’ll learn how to shift your thinking and thereby shift your experience of every moment in every day.

Compassion and Mindfulness

Honestly, I cannot say enough about the benefits of developing a compassionate and mindful attitude toward yourself.

When you begin to learn that everything you need to feel whole in your life already exists within you, you will immediately begin to relax.

That being said, changing the deep conditioning of your heart and mind takes time, practice and support.

Would you talk to your best friend the way you talk to yourself?

Would you treat your beloved pet or friend the way you treat yourself when you are struggling?

If you answered no to either of those questions, it’s time to take a step back, pause the spin cycle, and learn a kinder way to step toward yourself.

Nature-based Therapy

Close your eyes for a moment. Picture your dream vacation spot. If you’re like many, you probably envisioned a naturally beautiful spot like a beach, the mountains, a lake.

Only in recent human history have we lived so far from the natural rhythm of nature. Therefore, it’s not surprising that we’re physically and emotionally wired to feel a sense of belonging in nature and with animals. Most of us hang onto a patch of green grass or plants potted on the windowsill because we instinctively yearn to be outside.

It’s all over the news and Internet these days, the benefits of reconnecting with nature – the physical benefits, the emotional benefits, and the spiritual benefits.

When we meet outside for our sessions, you’ll experience an entirely different feel and perspective regarding whatever issue is at hand.

Sometimes, we’ll merely sit and talk, taking in the sounds, the air and the view.

Other times, we may look for clues, metaphors, in the natural world that surrounds us; or we’ll deepen our senses, through guided activities, drawing us to other ways of learning and knowing to the repetitive thoughts of our minds.

Horses and Therapy

Horses are about energy and vibration and congruence.

They’re an amplification of who we are on many levels. They have big hearts and strong bodies. Awesome!

They’re emotionally sociable and need safe relationships not to feel stressed out.

They can be traumatized by uncaring relationships causing distrust and poor confidence – sound familiar?

When you meet a horse, one of our sweet horses at the farm, you’ll find they’re as curious about you as you are about them. As you develop a relationship with one or more of the horses, you’ll learn about who you are from the horse’s perspective.

As you learn to listen to the feedback, you will find that the horse guides you to one place only – back home to who you are at your very essence.

Creative Expression

You don’t need to think of yourself as an artist, musician, dancer, or some other type of artist to create!

Creating is the natural flow that results from the connection with the part of yourself that wants to be in the world.

I know this might sound like some kind of esoteric mumbo-jumbo but bear with me.

The easiest place to start with hearing that deep inner voice that holds the knowledge of who you really are is to create a self-doll.

You start with how you already feel about yourself and just allow the process of the fabric, the stitches, the clay, the sticks, the buttons, the beads… to come together… following the impulse channeled through your mind, your heart, your body to your hands.

You’ll be delighted by what appears.

Take the first step now and find out what’s possible.

Call (215) 880-7015 for a free consultation or complete the form below.