
The Quick Fix

So, you walk in my door because you’ve already established that something isn’t right.

You feel miserable – tired of this malaise. AND, you’re not quite sure what to expect.

How does therapy help? How will therapy “fix” your problems? How will you know if you’re receiving “good” care? How long will “this” take?

When you feel broken, of course you’re looking for a fix.

But we’re not going to “fix” you or your problems – stay with me, hear me out – we’re going to do much, much, more than that; we are going start your healing!

Why? Because a “fix” is temporary. At the next sign of trouble, you’ll come undone again.

Healing is a permanent, transformative, all-encompassing, life-altering experience that empowers you regardless of temporary circumstances.

What is healing?

HEALING is one of those elusive, ill-defined, commonly tossed around, as-if-we-all-understand-perfectly-well-so-do-not-ask terms.

Here is how I work with the concept of healing.

HEALING is the process of…

  • Bringing into awareness and holding with compassion (friendliness), the ways in which our experiences have created automatic patterns of emotional, cognitive, physical, and behavioral responses.
  • Reconnecting with our inborn capacity to trust, love, create, and protect ourselves with a calm, assertive, non-aggressive, yet firm presence.
  •  Gently shifting patterned responses to become less reactive and more aligned with a life-affirming, joyful way of being.

Healing is not the destination; it is the journey.

Therapy is a pathway to discovering the treasure of who you are, free of burdens, fears, anger, sadness, and conflict.

Therapy is an adventure, sometimes scary (as facing the unknown is bound to feel), shapeshifting (yes, you will feel the shifts), mind bending (you’ll discover new ways of thinking about your self and your circumstances), but ultimately the most worthwhile journey you will ever take!

Does it mean that you will never experience pain again? No. Life happens.

But you can and will free yourself of suffering born of fear and powerlessness.

How long will it take?

Answer: As long as it takes! You decide. Therapy is a process of ebb and flow. There’s nothing wrong with taking breaks, starting and stopping, as it feels right.

Take the first step now and find out what’s possible.

Call (215) 880-7015 for a free consultation or complete the form below.